
51 results:
31. Medical Technology  
URL: /en/markets/medical-technology/
Date: 19-01-24
Our advanced processes help save resources and miniaturize medical products, especially in IVD applications, by substituting thermoplastic and glass parts. See our solutions for yourself and…  
32. Home Appliances  
URL: /en/markets/home-appliances/
Date: 19-01-24
Connected surfaces with a Shy Tech effect are right on trend. When inactive, they subtly hide their rich functional inner workings. But a touch or swipe is all it takes to wake them up and become…  
33. Food  
URL: /en/markets/food/
Date: 19-01-24
Decorative Design for an Anniversary Edition Congratulations! We finished a special edition of the stylish ‘Evo Olive Oil’ blend for the olive oil producer Varvaglione to celebrate its 100th…  
34. Cosmetics  
URL: /en/markets/cosmetics/
Date: 19-01-24
Step out in style with attractive packaging design that gives companies a leg up on the competition. Whether with classic metal tones such as silver or gold, trendy colors, pigmented or diffractive…  
35. Consumer Electronics  
URL: /en/markets/consumer-electronics/
Date: 19-01-24
KURZ’s efficient and innovative IME (In-Mold Electronics) process makes it possible to realize both haptic and visual effects with just one process step, from small to very large quantities. At the…  
36. Concrete Coating  
URL: /en/markets/construction/
Date: 19-01-24
SIPORIT® gives concrete new functional and aesthetic properties that optimize the edge zone and protect high-use components from aggressive media and penetrating gases. Extreme weather conditions,…  
37. Cards  
URL: /en/markets/cards/
Date: 19-01-24
Whether credit cards, customer cards, or prepaid cards - maximum security is always the top priority. We have joined forces to achieve this goal and are using state-of-the-art technology to create…  
38. Beverage  
URL: /en/markets/beverage/
Date: 19-01-24
Uniquely finished products help grow a strong market position. Turn your audience into fans. And secure your products along the entire supply chain. Anything is possible! And all from a single…  
39. Banknotes  
URL: /en/markets/banknotes/
Date: 19-01-24
Outstanding design, visual effects, depth, and lenses, intuitive authentication, or various integrated security levels - the modular concept of our KINEGRAM® security solutions knows no bounds. Our…  
40. Management Board  
Date: 19-01-24
Career Stages at LEONHARD KURZ: Since 2023 Member of the management board, executive senior vice president, business area plastic decoration Since 2016 Member of the management board at BURG…  
Search results 31 until 40 of 51