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LEONHARD KURZ receives Bronze in the 2024 EcoVadis Sustainability Rating

Fürth/Germany, October 11, 2024: The EcoVadis Sustainability Rating annually recognizes companies worldwide for their commitment to sustainability. This year, LEONHARD KURZ excelled once again across all four evaluated areas (‘Environment’, ‘Labor & Human Rights,’ ‘Ethics,’ and ‘Sustainable Procurement’), earning the prestigious agency’s Bronze medal. The thin-film specialist is thus once again among the top 35 percent of all assessed companies, and in an industry comparison, KURZ is now among the top 10 percent. “The company demonstrates exemplary conduct with numerous measures that support the implementation of sustainability policies and commitments,” EcoVadis stated.


Consistent pursuit and implementation of sustainability

The assessment also highlights that KURZ’s overall score improved compared to the previous year. The adoption of additional measures and the introduction of further policies have positively influenced the overall results. CEO Dr. Andreas Hirschfelder views this as a confirmation of the company’s sustainability development: “For KURZ, sustainability is not a passing trend but an essential part of our corporate philosophy and an ongoing process. The development of regulatory frameworks and global market dynamics are reflected in the annual assessments by EcoVadis experts, so the criteria continually evolve. Therefore, as a company, we face increasing requirements each year. In this context, this year’s Bronze award is a significant acknowledgment for our team.” Dr. Andreas Hirschfelder also views the ten percent increase in the “Sustainable Procurement” category as a positive signal for the company’s continuous commitment: “The consistent implementation of our sustainability strategy is one of our most important levers. We will continue to promote a sustainable approach to people and resources across all areas of the company, staying true to our claim, ‘Be a green leader.’”

The EcoVadis rating assesses a total of 21 sustainability criteria across four key areas. The categories ‘Environment,’ ‘Labor & Human Rights,’ ‘Ethics,’ and ‘Sustainable Procurement’ are based on international sustainability standards and are being reviewed by experts. The weighting of each area is based on seven management indicators, including certification and reporting. The overall score considers aspects such as the sustainable use of raw materials, energy consumption, and CO2 emissions. Responsible treatment of people and commitment to greater diversity and inclusion are also considered.


Circular economy as a clear sustainability goal

KURZ has been contributing to greater sustainability in the plastics industry for five decades. The thin-film specialist from Fürth continuously invests in optimizing its own products and processes and keeps setting ambitious goals, such as achieving carbon neutrality by 2040. KURZ’s high-quality embellishments are already 100 percent recyclable and increasingly made from renewable resources. KURZ also continuously develops RECOSYS®, the world’s first return and recycling system for PET transfer materials in the graphic industry. The latest innovation from KURZ, RECOSYS® rPET, was launched in the spring of 2024. This technically sophisticated solution now allows processing excess carrier materials into pure rPET for the first time.

“Establishing a circular economy is a central aspect of our sustainability strategy. Our employees work daily on innovative solutions that enable us to manufacture high-quality transfer carriers while conserving resources and using energy efficiently,” explains Dr. Andreas Hirschfelder, adding, “As a global company and leader in coating technology, we take our responsibility seriously. This responsibility extends beyond our products and processes: Through our efforts, we also support our customers along the entire process chain in reducing their own environmental footprints long-term.” The 2023 Sustainability Report summarizes KURZ’s sustainability priorities, including supply chain value, labor and human rights adherence, and environmental protection.

Responsible corporate governance and maximum transparency in sustainability communication are core concerns at KURZ. The UN Global Compact Network membership and the associated commitment to publishing a progress report underscore this commitment. “Since 2021, LEONHARD KURZ has been part of the UN Global Compact. With our annual progress report, we openly disclose how our company is advancing in environmental awareness, developing and spreading eco-friendly technologies, and upholding international human rights,” emphasizes Dr. Andreas Hirschfelder. “This demonstrates our steadfast pursuit of sustainable development goals and our commitment to align our actions with our values.”

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